Hatrammur áróður á erlendri grund
Þessi pistill birtist á fréttaveitu Bloomberg:
Undir yfirskriftinni:
Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness
Ég sá mig knúna til þess að svara þessum áróðri sem ég geri ráð fyrir að sé að undirlagi ríkisstjórnarinnar og vina björgólfs Thors

Á myndinni eru Björgólfur Thor, Lars Kristjansen og Helgi Hjörvar.
This is a letter from one of the persons who stood at the front of the so called pots and pans revolution in 2008/2009. In January 2009 I gave a speech to ten thousand people at Austurvöllur. We were protesting the disgraceful behaviour of the politicians and bankers.
In the article Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness it says: The islands households were helped by an agreement between the government and the banks, which are still partly controlled by the state, to forgive debt exceeding 110 percent of home values.
This statement is a bit confusing. Two of the three banks were given to international speculators who had purchased their debts for about 5% of their nominal value. The speculators are now making huge profits of Icelandic households.
Now I want to explain a little bit about Icelandic banking activities.
In 2001 laws came to effect, that stipulated that loans to households payed out in Icelandic krona and indexed to foreign currency were forbidden. In the committee that drafted this law was both the director of the Central bank and one of the bank directors for the banks now owned by the foreign speculators.
After the privatisation of the banks in 2003/2004, blatantly disregarding the laws, the bankers started lending currency indexed loans in kronas to the households. The bankers were removing the risk of loans the bank was borrowing in foreign currency and lending foreign currency loans to the bank owners and friends of bank owners. The Banksters used these currency loans for offshore investments. This can easily be confirmed by looking at the size of the foreign currency reserves in Iceland at the time.
When the banks crashed the principal of these loans to households doubled or tripled over night. Peoples equity in their properties were eaten up over a night and many were left destitute and in deep debt. This group of people recently won their case before the High Court. The government worked against the people every step of the way having both the institution for bank surveillance and the Central Bank writing reports justifying the households taking on the damage for these transactions. Many have lost their properties during this process and their personal lives been harmed.
This is though only half the story. The other kind of loans offered to the households and that are more common are the indexed property loans. These are not the usual indexed loans but build on a model that can only be described as a sort of bullet loan bastard. The payments of these loans (annuity loans) are every moth or every three months. At every payday a part of the nominal interest is added to the principal and start bearing interests. The principal inflates and eats off the household properties.
The Icelandic constitution guards the right of ownership. This model for household loans contradicts therefore the constitutional rights of the people.
Now pertaining to the claim of debt forgiveness. Lot of people in Iceland are getting debt forgiveness but those are companies owned by politicians and formal bankers. The companies which the head of the Independent Party chaired in what I would like to call the crazy era in Iceland has gotten 66 billion ISK in debt forgiveness.
The households, however, have not been getting much of a debt relief and they certainly do not need any sort of forgiveness. What they need is justice and the constitutional right to their properties. The households are fighting for correction but the government is standing on the brake
Jakobína Ingunn Ólafsdóttir
PHD student
M.Sc. in management and strategy
as well as public administration
Bendi á þessa frásögn: http://blogg.smugan.is/hedinn/2011/09/08/fundur-minn-med-bjorgolfi/
og þessa: http://postdoc.blog.is/blog/postdoc/entry/1001148/?t=1262731711
Lars Christiansen er einn þeirra sem hvatt hefur íslendinga til meinlætalifnaðar svipað og verið er að gera í Grikklandi.
Sjá: http://www.mbl.is/vidskipti/frettir/2011/04/12/laerid_ad_lifa_med_atvinnuleysi/
Hann vill eins og ríkisstjórn Jóhönnu Sigurðardóttir að sauðsvartur almúginn taki þegjandi á sig birðarnar.
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Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:02 | Facebook
Jakobína, það kemur fram í þessari Bloombergfrétt að Ómar Valdimarsson sé "reporter".
Margir telja hann hliðhollan núverandi ríkisstjórn - en ef til vill er hann bara að selja sjálfan sig.
En svarið þitt er býsna gott og skilmerkilegt. :)
Kolbrún Hilmars, 20.2.2012 kl. 19:23
Flott hjá þér.
Það er alvarlegt að svona lygaþvæla skuli kokkuð ofan í heimsbyggðina. En það er allt hér á sömu bókina lært. Aðförin að venjulegu fólki stendur sem hæst á Íslandi - og á sér fjölda fylgismanna: Smásála og pólitískra slefbera sem vonast eftir - og fá - bitlinga á silfurfati með reglulegu millibili svo þeir ýmist haldi kjafti eða gelti rétt. Allt eftir atvikum.
Guðmundur Brynjólfsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.2.2012 kl. 19:45
Kolbrún jónas Bergmann er listaður sem ábyrgðarmaður fréttarinnar.
Tek undir það Guðmundur við þurfum að vera duglegri að svara svona þvælu.
Jakobína Ingunn Ólafsdóttir, 20.2.2012 kl. 19:59
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.