Hverjir eiga að bera tapið af áhættusækni breskra einstaklinga?

Þetta er grundvallarspurning í Icesave-deilunni

Hall bendir einmitt á þessa staðreynd. Fjölmargir einstaklingar í Bretlandi lögðu fjármuni inn á Icesave-reikninga sem báru mjög háa vexti. Mjög háir vextir endurspegla áhættu. Þetta áttu þessir fjármagnseigendur að vita og þeir áttu líka að vita að þeir myndu bera tapið ef viðskiptin myndu bregðast.

Þetta skilja sérfræðingar Bretanna.

Ástæðan fyrir því að þeir heimta að tapið verði fært yfir á íslenska skattgreiðendur endurspeglar ekki heimsku þeirra heldur klókindi. Það má hinsvegar spyrja hvað atferli íslenskra stjórnmálamanna endurspeglar.

Íslensk stjórnvöld hafa gjörsamlega brugðist íslenskum almenningi sem kaus þau til þess að verja sig í þeirri efnahagsárás sem Bretar upphófu gegn Íslandi í haust og jafnvel fyrr.

Við skulum ekki gleyma því að Gordon Brown hvatti sveitafélög til þess að leggja fjármuni inn á þessa reikninga.

Stríð Breta er hugmyndafræðilegt

Gordon Brown hefur notið dyggs stuðnings íslenskra stjórnvalda við að innræta íslensku þjóðinni sektarkennd vegna viðskipta sem þeir eiga enga aðild að.

Það er þess vegna sem mér er misboðið

Því miður þá kusum við yfir okkur vanburða stjórnmálamenn

mbl.is FT: Ábyrgðin sameiginleg
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

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1 identicon

How very very stupid.............IceSave was offering 6.2 %.......What are your banks offering now !!!!.....The news media was flooded by adverts from IceSave.....The Icelandic Government reiterated that Landsbanki was safe and sound.....To say the UK and Dutch investors were playing dangerously really sums up your thought process.... never be wrong !!!! The Icelandic investors were covered, but not the British or Dutch who had invested in the same bank. Imaging customers of a Landsbanki branch in Kopavogar being told....Ooops sorry we went bankrupt...We are not going to pay you anything, but we are going to pay all the other branch investors in Reykjavik...............Utter BS..

Well get this..........That money was STOLEN.........From the Red Cross, From Oxfam.....from UK and Dutch, and German and many other investors....The truth is Landsbanki LIED....Lied through their teeth......And BTW..Who is paying for all those luxury Jeeps, Caravans, Trailer tents, 3.5 ton american pick ups, Mobile homes, Quad bikes...Big empty glass buildings, the hundreds of new flats that are all empty.........Wake up...Look around you......Your banks were bankrupt months before they collapsed.........Someone had to stop Kaupthing stealing money from Singer Freedland. Your useless Government did nothing and watched your Gangsters move money to safe tax havens... Were is all that money now !!!!! Admit the damn truth for a change, and stop trying to blame everyone else

Fair Play (Now thats a laugh !) (IP-tala skráð) 16.8.2009 kl. 03:08

2 Smámynd: Jakobína Ingunn Ólafsdóttir

My bank accout in Britain is not covered. Why? Because I am a foreigner.

Fair Play if you want to stand by your name direct your anger toward the criminals. They are either British or Icelanders living in Britain.

Jakobína Ingunn Ólafsdóttir, 16.8.2009 kl. 04:55

3 identicon

My anger is towards any criminals involved, anyone who used "Borrowed " money from Icesave, and the Icelandic Government. It is not true that your account in the UK is not covered, and you know it. If it is in a British bank, all accounts are covered up to 50,000 pound.......I still want to know where the money came from for all those toys the Icelanders have bought over the past 2 years....Did you sell more fish...No.....did your airlines show big profit....No........Did the aluminium Factories sell much more aluminium.....No......Did you sell tons and tons of whale meat.....No.....Did the Icelandic banks use money invested in their banks in Iceland and the UK and many others countries to pay out false loans....Yes. What do you think the Icelandic Nation would have said if IceSave had been shut down.......Remenber.....You are never wrong !! You would have been screaming that the UK was jealous of the IceSave succes !!!    The British warned your Government time and time again behind the scenes.....Your Government knew that your Banks were already Bankrupt.....They just did nothing

Bottom line THE MONEY WAS STOLEN........Don´t pay.....Take the UK to court because they stopped Landsbanki from stealing more money...The main thought in Britain and many other countries is that someone has to pay for the crime......It is up to your Government to find out, freeze assets, and punish the gangster.!!! In the mean time enjoy all the Jeeps and mobile homes etc 75% of which were bought with money "Borrowed" from the British and the Dutch.....and other countries...........Jealous...No...............Angry....Yes...Just like maney other people that the money was stolen from.....

Fair Play no more (IP-tala skráð) 16.8.2009 kl. 11:43

4 identicon

Það var fyrir löngu vitað hvernig bankarnir stóðu og þeir sem voru í aðstöðu ryksuguðu sjóðina. Kallað arðgreiðslur og svo framvegis svo að allt líti vel út.

Flóknara er það nú ekki.

En skyldi það hafa verið löglegt ?

Margt sem Fair Play segir er rétt.  Ábyrgð gerendanna er mikil, en hvort þeir axla hana er allt annað mál.

Glöggt er gests augað.

Hákon Jóhannesson (IP-tala skráð) 16.8.2009 kl. 11:52

5 Smámynd: Jakobína Ingunn Ólafsdóttir

Fair play the UK regulation does not allow foreigners to be covered. Also they do not cover account in Isle of Man and Guernsay. This you ought to know.

You ar right that the criminals should take the blame. I believe that most of the money in the accounts never went to Iceland. People in government and banks have been reckless and in some cases criminal and those are the ones who should shoulder the blame. Not ordinary Icelandic people.

Jakobína Ingunn Ólafsdóttir, 16.8.2009 kl. 17:36

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