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Viðtal hjá Silfur Egils í janúar 2009


Viðtalið við mig er á eftir viðtalinu við Lilju Mósesdóttur. Síðan kemur Hörður Torfa á eftir mér.

Undirskriftasöfnun um stjórnarskrá á forsendum þjóðarinna.

Ég er að gramsa svolítið og fann nafn mitt á China WorkerCool í janúar 2009

These announcements, however, did not break the momentum of the protests. On Saturday, over 6,000 people gathered, demanding the government resign immediately.

"We will not allow more crap. The government must go. We've had enough of them controlling everything, just taking care of themselves and not caring at all for the people", said one of the speakers, Jakobina Olafsdóttir, to great cheers from the crowd. The Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter, continued its report: "She and others in Iceland want to see a new society, without the cronyism and corruption they believe is prevalent and without the for so long so mighty Independence Party."

The same article continues: "Different protest movements have mushroomed. With the help of Facebook". [Ninety six per cent of 20-29 year-olds are on Facebook.] "They quickly gather thousands of supporters and can easily call meetings. Now, there are discussions between the different movements to form a common manifesto for a new society."

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