Frábær pistill

Brot úr pistli eftri Benedikt Ófeig. Allur pistillinn hér


The last 2 decades, Iceland has changed from relatively egalitarian society to a society run by (as Chomsky puts it) uncountable tiranies. inequality has increased dramatically, housing bubble forced families to go deeper into dept in order to by a home (not that cheap borrowing by the way and renting was hardly an option due to government policies ). In short, these last two decades have evolved in a quite typical fashion in terms of outcome from freeing of capital movement , privatising and so on (typical neo-liberal policies). The reason these policies have not hit the general population (until now!) as hard as in many other places. is that Iceland was fully developed welfare state, with relatively rich population, when these policies began to get implemented around 2 decades ago (starting by forcing the population, without asking, into the EEA). But the effect of these policies are becoming quite apparent in Iceland now.

I do admit that the Icelandic financial- and business-community behaved criminally with the support of our "democratically " elected (bought) government. By not resisting this development we do bare heavy responsibility.

The question is how we take on this responsibility. Will we do that by playing by the rules of this corrupted unsustainable global financial system.

Or should we bare that responsibility by being in the forefront of fighting back. should we take the first hit by saying no more. hopefully making the inevitable path for Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Spain ..., a little bit easier. Hægir aðeins á kjörsókn
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1 Smámynd: Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson

Takk fyrir dreyfinguna á kommentinu Jakobína.

Þú ert sjálf óþreytandi í baráttu þinni gegn fjármálavæðingu (ættli það orð lýsi ekki nokkuð vel því sem er í gagni) samfélagsins sem virðist hafi náð nýjum hæðum eftir fjármálahrunið. Þú átt miklar þakkir skylið fyrir það.


Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, 9.4.2011 kl. 22:26

2 Smámynd: Helga Kristjánsdóttir

 Tek undir það,hér hef ég séð þjóðar-persónuleikann í allri sinni stórbrotnu mynd. Getum farið að brosa til hvors annars,þetta er ég að segja án þess að vita nokkuð um úrslit Icesave. Hér varð til samstaða,um þjóðarhag,og heiður. Kl. að verða 11 M.b.kv.

Helga Kristjánsdóttir, 9.4.2011 kl. 22:54

3 Smámynd: Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson

aðeins vandræðaleg villa "uncountable"  á náttúrleg að vera "unaccountable". Hefði þurft að flýta mér minna!

Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, 10.4.2011 kl. 11:40

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