Efnahagsárás Alþjóðasamfélagsins

Alþjóðasamfélagið er staðráðið í því að gernýta bankahrunið á Íslandi.

Almenningi er ætlað að blæða.

Þeir sem harðast ganga fram með áróður, þ.e. samfylkingin og taglhnýtingar hennar þrá vináttu með þessum böðlum.

Ég er að skrifa sænskum þingmönnum bréf sem mun vera einhvern veginn svona:

Our safety, our wellbeing and our sense of reason are dependent on justice. The Icesave-dispute has been denied the self-evident course through a system of justice. The British and the Dutch authorities have refused to channel the dispute through proper system of international courts but instead bullied the Icelandic authorities to sign a “loan agreement” that will bring profit to the British and Dutch treasuries in interest margins.

Icelanders are willing to make sacrifices insofar as it is built upon justice. Icelanders are not happy to be bullied into sacrifices that are unjust. It is evident that the activities of private owned Landsbanki and the Icesave-internet schemes were international as well as Icelandic. Icelandic homes that borrowed from these banks pay high premiums on index-regulated, high interest, annuity loans that have been gold mines for the banks. The lenders that have made profits on the Icesave-schemes are not the Icelandic families but international companies that are associated with the bank owners.

Jakobína Ólafsdóttir

mbl.is Verið að höfða mál gegn Íslandi
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1 Smámynd:

Gott hjá þér

, 19.8.2009 kl. 00:25

2 Smámynd: Helga Kristjánsdóttir

     Fagna heilshugar þessu framtaki þínu.   Er hætt að furða mig á gjörðum þessarar stjórnar.   Bætum í andstöðu gegn henni.

Helga Kristjánsdóttir, 19.8.2009 kl. 00:32

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